Individuals, businesses, and government entities all need funding to operate. Therefore, the finance field includes three main subcategories:

  • Personal finance
  • Corporate finance
  • Public (government) finance

1. Personal Finance

Personal finance is specific to an individual’s situation and activity. Therefore, related financial strategies depend largely on a person’s earnings, living requirements, goals, and desires. Financial planning involves analyzing the current financial position of individuals to formulate strategies for future needs within financial constraints.

For example, individuals must save for retirement. That requires saving or investing enough money during their working lives to fund their long-term plans. This type of financial management decision falls under personal finance.

Personal finance covers a range of activities, including using or purchasing financial products such as credit cards, insurance, mortgages, and various types of investments.

Banking is also considered a component of personal finance because individuals use checking and savings accounts as well as online or mobile payment services such as PayPal and Venmo.

2. Corporate Finance

Corporate finance refers to the financial activities related to running a corporation. A division or department usually is set up to oversee those financial activities.

For example, a large company may have to decide whether to raise additional funds through a bond issue or stock offering. Investment banks may advise the firm on such considerations and help it market the securities.

Startups may receive capital from angel investors or venture capitalists in exchange for a percentage of ownership. If a company thrives and decides to go public, it will issue shares on a stock exchange through an initial public offering (IPO) to raise cash. In other cases, to budget its capital properly and effectively, a company with growth goals may need to decide which projects to finance and which to put on hold.

All of these types of decisions fall under corporate finance.

3. Public Finance

Public finance includes taxing, spending, budgeting, and debt-issuance policies that affect how a government pays for the services it provides to the public. It is a part of fiscal policy.

The federal and state governments help prevent market failure by overseeing the allocation of resources, the distribution of income, and economic stability. Regular funding is secured mostly through taxation. Borrowing from banks, insurance companies, and other nations also helps finance government spending.

In addition to managing money in day-to-day operations, a government body also has social and fiscal responsibilities. A government is expected to ensure adequate social programs for its taxpaying citizens. It must maintain a stable economy so that people can save and be assured that their money will be safe.